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The name of the club shall be:
Northwest Cruisers of Idaho (NWC)
The purpose of this club as organized is:
a. Social and educational opportunities for members.
b. To explore, maintain, preserve and enjoy, with our fellow club members the inaccessible portions of our state.
c. To be readily available, when called upon, to help in emergencies where our four wheel drive vehicles and personnel are needed.
d. To support the. Toyota Land Cruiser Association (TLCA)
e. To preserve and promote multiple use of public land.
This club shall operate without profit, shall be nonpartisan, and nonsectarian.
SECTION 1 - VOTING MEMBERS: Persons seeking membership in this club as regular voting members must meet the following requirements:
a. Must be sponsored by a club member in good standing.
b. Must have a family-owned Toyota Four-wheel Drive vehicle (Land Cruiser, Pickup, or 4-Runner) .
c. Be a legally licensed driver, at least 18 years of age.
d. Participate, as a minimum, In three club functions to become and remain a member, as follows:
1. Attend at least one club sponsored functions within 90 days of application.
2. Attend at least two club general meetings.
e. Must agree to join Toyota Land Cruiser Association, Inc. (TLCA)
f. Must show proof of adequate liability insurance.
The prospective regular member will become eligible for vote upon completion of the requirements and upon recommendation by their sponsor to the Board of Directors not later than the Board of Directors meeting prior to the next general meeting. New members are approved by a majority vote of the members present at the general meeting.
SECTION 2 - ASSOCIATE MEMBERS: By nomination of the Board of Directors and by majority vote of the membership, any person or business may be elected to Associate Membership of the club, shall pay annual dues, shall not be entitled to vote, and shall not be entitled to hold any office of the club.
SECTION 3 - CHARTER MEMBERS: Those members listed herein are Charter Members of the Northwest Cruisers and have been continuously since this club's inception.
SECTION 4 - ANNUAL DUES: The yearly dues of each vehicle member and associate member of the club shall be set by the club, and payable at the March general meeting or such date as designated by the Board of Directors. Dues must be paid within 30 days of the due date. Dues are not prorated for current members and are due on March 1, or at the Annual meeting. Dues are prorated for new members and are due 30 days from the date they are voted in. Currently membership is $20.00 and the prorating for new members is as follows March $20, April $18.50, May $17.00, June $15.50, July $14.50, August $13.00, September $11.50, October $10.00, November $8.50, December $7.00, January $5.50, February $4.00
a. No longer owns a Toyota 4X4.
b. Nonpayment of dues
Any member who shall fail to pay the Annual dues within thirty (30) Days shall become due and payable, or who shall fail to pay indebtedness to the club within thirty (30) days after a bill for the same has been rendered, shall be suspended from all privileges of the membership. Reinstatement must be made by a two-thirds vote of the general membership.
c. Non-participation
A member may be dropped from the rolls of the club due to non-participation by a unanimous vote of the entire Board of Directors. Reinstatement can be made by a two-thirds vote of the general membership or by completing membership requirements as other members completed. Non-participation shall be defined as not attending one (1) club function in a six month period.
d. Recall
Any member who shall conduct themselves in an irresponsible manner that, in the opinion of the Board of Directors, is not in the best interest of the club or when such actions bring discredit upon the club, shall be suspended from all privileges of the membership. Subsequent membership termination or reinstatement shall be made by a two-thirds vote of the general membership.
Any member leaving the club under unfavorable conditions shall return all evidence of club membership.
a. Upon the sale of a vehicle, members must remove all club and TLCA logos from their vehicle.
b. If membership is terminated for any reason, all club logos must be removed from the former members vehicle. TLCA logos must also be removed if TLCA membership is not continued.
SECTION 1 - MONTHLY MEETINGS: Monthly meetings of the club shall be held at such time and place as selected by the Board of Directors. Changes to the time and place of the monthly meeting shall not be made unless notice is given to the general membership not less that one month before such action is taken.
SECTION 2 - ANNUAL MEETING: The ANNUAL meeting shall be the third meeting of each year. Notice of every ANNUAL meeting of the club shall be mailed by the Secretary to every member of the club at least two weeks before the date of such meeting. The club newsletter may serve as notification.
At the ANNUAL meeting, the order of business shall be:
a. Minutes of the previous meeting.
b. Reports of Officers and Board of Directors.
c. Accomplishments of the past year and progress reports.
d. Announcements of results from the Annual elections.
e. Vote on proposed by-laws changes.
SECTION 3 - SPECIAL MEETING: A special meeting of the club may be called by the Board of Directors or whenever one-third of the voting members of the club shall make a written request to the President for the same, specifying the object of the meeting, provided that not less than five days written notice of such special meeting shall be given to the members.
SECTION 4 - CONDUCT OF MEETING: All meetings shall be conducted according to the parliamentary rules, and open discussion from the floor on all measures shall be permitted and encouraged.
SECTION 5 - BOARD MEETINGS: The Board of Directors shall meet at the direction of the club as necessary or when three or more Directors shall call for such a meeting.
SECTION 1 - DEFINITION OF VOTING MEMBER: Voting members are defined as having met the requirements of Article I Section 1 and are identified on membership application as applicant or spouse of applicant.
SECTION 2 - WHO MAY VOTE: Only voting members may cast votes for election of officers, changes to by-laws, and formal motions made at general meetings.
SECTION 3 - QUORUM AT GENERAL MEETINGS: For the purpose of voting at general meetings all voting members shall constitute a quorum.
SECTION 4 - QUORUM AT BOARD OR DIRECTOR MEETINGS: At a meeting of the Board of Directors, a majority of the total members of the Board shall constitute a quorum and a majority vote of the Directors present at any meeting shall prevail.
The management of the club shall be vested in the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and the Director, which shall constitute the Board of Directors.
SECTION 1: The President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer shall be elected by vote of the club members at the Annual meeting for a period of one year. The Director shall be elected by a vote of the club members also at the Annual meeting for a period of two years. Officers are limited to two (2) consecutive terms. Director is eligible for election to officer position after serving at least one year in his/her position.
SECTION 2: Club officers are elected by voting in person at the Annual meeting or by mail vote. Mail votes must not be received later than 6 p.m. on the day of the elections. The Board of Directors will establish conditions and methods for a mail vote.
SECTION 3: In the event of a vacancy in any office except the President, the Board of Directors shall appoint a member in good standing to fill the unexpired term until the next general election.
SECTION 1: The Board of Directors shall have the power to manage all affairs of the club on any and all questions relating in any manner whatsoever to the club, and to make all contracts necessary for the proper transaction of all business. They shall have entire jurisdiction over all matters pertaining to the care, conduct, control, supervision, and management of the club and its finances.
1. Expenditures under $ 50.00 shall be authorized by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.
2. Expenditures over $ 50.00 or more shall be approved by a majority vote of the general membership present at a regular meeting.
SECTION 2: It shall be the duty of the Board of Directors to prescribe and publish rules regulating the use, care, and protection of club property.
SECTION 3: Any member of the Board of Directors who shall absent him/herself from three consecutive meetings of such Board, unless he/she shall offer at the next meeting an excuse for his/her absence which is satisfactory to the Board of Directors, shall be deemed to have resigned as a member of said Board, and cease to be a member of the Board of Directors.
SECTION 4: The Board of Directors shall have the following specific powers:
a. To appoint Delegates to different Associations of which this club may become a member of for the purpose of conferring with any association or club with respect to any matter in which this club may be concerned.
b. To make rules for the conduct of the members of the club and for their use of club property.
1) The website http://www.nwcruisers.com is the property of the Northwest Cruisers of Idaho. The Webmaster shall act as committee chair and report all information, changes, needs, etc; to the President.
c. To suspend a member for any conduct in violation of rules or behavior improper or prejudicial to the interests of the club.
d. To fix and enforce penalties for the violation of club rules.
e. To prescribe rules for the admission of non-members or guests to the privileges of the club.
f. To call special meetings of the club to consider special subjects.
g. To prescribe additional duties for any officer, in addition to those herein set forth.
The President shall preside at all meetings of the club and Board of Directors and enforce all laws and regulations of the club. He/she shall perform such other duties as shall be imposed upon him/her by resolution of the Board of Directors. The President shall, with the Treasurer, sign all written contracts and written obligations of the club. The President shall have the power to appoint committees whenever it becomes necessary. If the President and Treasurer are from the same family, the Vice President and Treasurer shall sign all written contracts and obligations of the club.
In the absence of the President, his/her duties shall be performed by the Vice President. In event of the death, disability, or resignation of the President, the Vice President shall assume all duties of the President for the remainder of the term.
The Secretary shall keep minutes and other official reports of the club. The Secretary shall keep records, books, documents the Board of Directors shall designate. The Secretary shall perform such others duties as may be assigned by the Board of Directors.
The Treasurer shall keep an account of all moneys received by him/her and deposit same in the name of the club in such bank as designated by the Board of Directors. He/she shall not pay out any moneys of the club except in such manner and for such purpose as shall be authorized by motion or resolution of the Board of Directors/General Membership. At each meeting of the membership he/she shall make a statement of financial condition of the club, and the membership shall, by motion, approve said report, and at the ANNUAL meeting of the club, he/she shall submit a detailed report of the financial condition of the club.
The two-at-large Directors shall be responsible to the Board of Directors for special activities and/or functions that come before the club and Board of Directors.
Amendments to these by-laws may be made at the ANNUAL meeting or at a meeting called for the purpose for the purpose by two-thirds vote of all members present, provided written notice of the proposed amendments shall be submitted to the Board of Directors and provided further, that notice of the proposed amendments shall be given to all members by the Secretary. An announcement published in the club newsletter shall be considered sufficient notice of proposed amendments.
The Board of Directors may delegate the responsibility of receiving by-law proposals to a By-laws Chairperson appointed by the President. The By-laws Chairperson shall receive and screen by-laws proposals for proper wording, spelling, punctuation, etc… But shall make no judgment as to the content or validity of a proposal. The By-laws Chairperson shall compile all proposals and submit same to the voting members no later than two (2) weeks prior to the ANNUAL meeting.
Voting on by-laws changes may be done by mail with the conditions and methods of carrying out a mail vote established by the Board of Directors.
SECTION 1: Land Use / Conservation
SECTION 2: By-laws
SECTION 3: Nominating
SECTION 4: Safety
SECTION 5: Trail
SECTION 6: Emergency Management/Search and Rescue
SECTION 7: Membership and Public Relations
SECTION 8: Fund Raising
SECTION 9: Web Site (http://www.nwcruisers.com)
The President shall appoint the above committee’s Chairperson no later than the second meeting after installation. The appointed Chairperson shall appoint the rest of his/her committee no later than the first meeting following his/her appointment.